Webster's English Dictionary

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1. smear \'smi(*)r\ n [ME smere, fr. OE smeoru; akin to OHG smero grease, 
   Gk smy]ris emery, myron unguent 1a: a viscous or sticky substance  1b: a 
   spot made by or as if by an unctuous or adhesive substance  2: material 
   smeared on a surface (as of a microscopic slide); also :: a preparation 
   mady by smearing material on a surface {vaginal ~} 3: a usu. 
   unsubstantiated charge or accusation against a person or organiza tion
2. smear vt 1a: to overspread with something unctuous, viscous, or adhesive 
   : DAU B 1b: to spread over a surface  2a: to stain, smudge, or dirty by or 
   as if by smearing  2b: SULLY, BESMIRCH; specif : to vilify by applying an  
   odious epithet or by secretly and maliciously spreading gross charges and 
   imputations 3: to obliterate, obscure, blur, blend, or wipe out by or as if 
   by smearin g - smear.er n