Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wood \'wu:d, 'wo-d, 'wu.d\ aj [ME, fr. OE wo-d insane; akin to OHG wuot 
   madness - more at MVATIC archaic  : MAD, VIOLENT 
2. wood \'wu.d\ n [ME wode, fr. OE widu, wudu; akin to OHG witu wood, OIr] 
   fid tree 1a: a dense growth of trees usu. greater in extent than a grove 
   and smaller  than a forest - often used in pl. but sing. or pl. in constr. 
   1b: WOODLAND  2a: the hard fibrous substance basically xylem that makes up 
   the greater pa rt of the stems and branches of trees or shrubs beneath the 
   bark and is found to a limited extent in herbaceous plants 2b: this 
   material suitable or prepared for some use (as burning); esp  : TIMBER, 
   LUMBER 3: something made of wood; esp : a golf club having a wooden head  : 
   escaped from peril or difficulty  - out of the woods 
3. wood \'wu.d\ \'wu.dz\ aj or woods 1: WOODEN  2: suitable for cutting or 
   working with wood  3: living or growing in woods 
4. wood \'wu.d\ vt 1: to supply or load with wood esp. for fuel  2: to 
   cover with a growth of trees or plant with trees  : to gather or take on 