Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tas.sel \'tas-*l, oftenest of corn 'ta:s-, 'to.s-\ n [ME, clasp, tassel, 
   fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL tassellus, fr. L tasillus] small die; akin to L 
   talus anklebone, die 1: a pendent ornament made by laying parallel a bunch 
   of cords of even leng th and fastening them at one end 2: something 
   resembling a tassel; esp : the terminal male infloresc ence of some plants 
   and esp. Indian corn
2. tassel \-(*-)lin\ vb or tas.seled or tas.selled;  or tas.sel.ing;  or 
   tas.sel.ling : to adorn with tassels  : to put forth tassel inflorescences