Webster's English Dictionary

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1. corn \'ko.(*)rn\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG & ON korn grain, L granum, 
   GK ge-ras] often attrib  old age chiefly dial  1: a small hard particle : 
   GRAIN  2: a small hard seed  3a: the seeds of a cereal grass and esp. of 
   the important cereal crop of a  particular region (as in Britain wheat, in 
   Scotland and Ireland oats, and in the New World and Australia Indian corn) 
   3b: the kernels of sweet corn served as a vegetable while still soft and mi 
   lky 4: a plant that produces corn  5: something that is corny 
2. corn vt 1: to form into grains : GRANULATE  2a: to preserve or season 
   with salt in grains  2b: to salt lightly in brine containing preservatives 
   {~ beef}  3: to feed with corn {~ horses} 
3. corn n [ME corne, fr. MF, horn, corner, fr. L cornu horn, point] : a 
   local hardening and thickening of epidermis (as on a toe)