Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. level                  2. steady                
1. even \'e--v*n\ n [ME even, eve, fr. OE -fen] archaic  : EVENING 
2. even \-v*n-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. OE efen; akin to OHG eban even] 1a: having a 
   horizontal surface : FLAT {~ ground}  1b: being without break, indentation, 
   roughness, or other irregularity :  SMOOTH 1c: being in the same plane or 
   line  2a: being without variation : UNIFORM  2b: LEVEL  obs  3a: CANDID  
   3b: EQUAL, FAIR  3c1: SQUARE, QUITS  3c2: fully revenged  3d: BALANCED; 
   specif : showing neither profit nor loss  4a: being one of the sequence of 
   natural numbers beginning with two and co unting by twos that are exactly 
   divisible by two 4b: marked by an even number  5: EXACT, PRECISE  - even.ly 
3. even av [ME, fr. OE efne, fr. efen, adj.] 1a: just as : PRECISELY  1b: 
   FULLY, QUITE  1c: at the very time  2a: TRULY, INDEED  2b: - used as an 
   intensive to indicate something unexpected  2c: - used as an intensive to 
   stress the comparative degree 
4. even \'e-v-(*-)nin\ \'e-v-(*-)n*r\ vb or even.ing : to make even  : to 
   become even  - even.er n