Webster's English Dictionary

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1. die \'di-\ \'di--in\ vi or died;  or dy.ing [ME dien, fr. or akin to ON 
   deyja to die; akin to OHG touwen]to die, OIr duine human being 1: to pass 
   from physical life : EXPIRE {dying of old age> 2a: to pass out of existence 
   : CEASE  2b: to disappear or subside gradually {the wind died down}  3a: to 
   suffer or face the pains of death  3b: to come to or as if to the point of 
   death : SINK  3c: LANGUISH {dying from fatigue}  3d: to long keenly or 
   desperately {dying to go}  4: to cease to be subject {let them ~ to sin}  
   5a: to pass into an inferior state or situation  5b: STOP {the motor died} 
2. die \'di-\ \'di-s\ \'di-z\ n or dice or dies [ME dee, fr. MF de`] pl  pl 
   dice  1: DICE  pl dice  2: a small cubical piece - usu. used in pl.  pl usu 
   dice  3: something determined by or as if by a cast of dice : CHANCE  pl 
   dies  4: DADO  pl dies  5: any of various tools or devices for imparting a 
   desired shape, form, or  finish to a material or for impressing an object 
   or material : as 5a1: the larger of a pair of cutting or shaping tools that 
   when moved towar d each other produce a certain desired form in or impress 
   a desired device on an object by pressure or by a blow 5a2: a device 
   composed of a pair of such tools  5b: a hollow internally threaded 
   screw-cutting tool used for forming screw  threads 5c: a cutter to cut out 
   blanks  5d: a mold into which some form of metal is forced  5e: a 
   perforated block through which metal or plastic is drawn or extruded 
3. die vt or died;  or die.ing : to cut or shape with a die