Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. frustrate             
1. thwart \'thwo.(*)rt, naut often 'tho.(*)rt\ av [ME thwert, fr. ON 
   thvert, fr. neut. of thverr transverse, ob]lique; akin to OHG dwerah 
   transverse, oblique, L torque-re to twist - more at TORTURE : ATHWART 
2. thwart aj : situated or placed across something else : TRANSVERSE  - 
   thwart.ly av
3. thwart vt 1a: OPPOSE, BAFFLE  1b: BLOCK, DEFEAT  2: to pass through or 
   across  - thwart.er n
4. thwart n : a rower's seat extending athwart a boat