Webster's English Dictionary

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1. seat \'se-t\ n [ME sete, fr. ON sti; akin to OE sittan to sit] 1a: 
   a special chair of one in eminence; also : the status represent ed by it 
   1b: a chair, stool, or bench intended to be sat in or on  1c: the 
   particular part of something on which one rests in sitting {~)R of a chair} 
   {trouser ~}; also : the part of the body that bears the weight in sitting : 
   BUTTOCKS 2a: a seating accommodation {a ~ for the game}  2b: a right of 
   sitting  2c: membership on an exchange  3a: a place occupied by something  
   3b: a place from which authority is exercised  3c: a bodily part in which 
   some function or condition is centered  4: posture in or way of sitting on 
   horseback  5a: a part at or forming the base of something  5b: a part or 
   surface on which another part or surface rests 
2. seat vt 1a: to install in a seat of dignity or office  1b1: to cause to 
   sit or assist in finding a seat  1b2: to provide seats for {a theater ~ing 
   1000 persons}  1c: to put in a sitting position {~ed himself at table}  2: 
   to repair the seat of or provide a new seat for  3: to fit to or with a 
   seat {~ a valve}  archaic  1: to take one's seat or place  2: to fit 
   correctly on a seat  - seat.er n