Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. frustrate             
1. baf.fle \'baf-*l\ \-(*-)lin\ \-*l-m*nt\ \-(*-)l*r\ vt or baf.fling 
   [prob. alter. of ME (Sc) bawchillen to denounce, discredit publicly] 1: to 
   defeat or check by confusing : PERPLEX  2a: to check or break the force or 
   flow of by or as if by a baffle  2b: to prevent (sound waves) from 
   interfering with each other (as by a baf fle) - baf.fle.ment n
2. baffle n 1: a plate, wall, screen, or other device to deflect, check or 
   regulate flo w 2: a partition or cabinet to impede the exchange of sound 
   waves between fro nt and back of a loudspeaker