Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. crooked               
1. oblique \o--'ble-k, *-, -'bli-k; military usu i-\ aj [ME oblike, fr. L 
   obliquus, fr. ob- towards + -liquus (]akin to ulna elbow) - more at ELL 1a: 
   neither perpendicular nor parallel : INCLINED  1b: having the axis not 
   perpendicular to the base {~ cone}  2a: not straightforward : INDIRECT  2b: 
   DEVIOUS, UNDERHAND  3: situated obliquely and having one end not inserted 
   on bone {~ m uscles} 4: taken from an airplane with the camera directed 
   horizontally or diagona lly downward {~ photograph} - oblique.ly av
2. oblique n 1: something that is oblique  2: any of several oblique 
   muscles; esp : one of the thin flat muscl es forming the middle and outer 
   layers of the lateral walls of the abdomen
3. oblique av : at a 45 degree angle {to the right ~, march}