Webster's English Dictionary

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1. frus.trate \'fr*s-.tra-t\ vt [ME frustraten, fr. L frustratus, pp. of 
   frustrare to deceive], frustrate, fr. frustra in error, in vain; akin to L 
   fraus fraud - more at FRAUD 1a: to balk or defeat in an endeavor  1b: to 
   induce feelings of discouragement in  2a: to bring to nothing  2b: to make 
   invalid or of no effect : NULLIFY , OUTWIT: FRUSTRATE implies making vain 
   or ineffectual all efforts however vigorous or persistent; THWART suggests 
   frustration by running counter to or crossing one making headway; FOIL 
   implies checking or defeating so as to discourage further effort; BAFFLE 
   implies frustration by confusing or puzzling; BALK suggests the interposing 
   of obstacles or hindrances; CIRCUMVENT implies frustration by a particular 
   stratagem, OUTWIT by craft and cunning SYN syn THWART, FOIL, BAFFLE, BALK, 
2. frustrate aj : FRUSTRATED