Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. curve                 
1. twist \'twist\ vb [ME twisten, fr. OE -twist rope; akin to MD twist 
   quarrel, tw]ine, OE twa- two 1a: to unite by winding one thread, strand, or 
   wire around another  1b: PLAIT, WREATHE  1c: ENTWINE, INTERLACE  2: TWINE, 
   COIL  3a: to wring or wrench so as to dislocate or distort; esp : SPR AIN 
   {~ed my ankle} 3b: to alter the meaning of : PERVERT {~ed the facts } 3c: 
   CONTORT {~ed his face into a grin}  3d: to pull off, turn, or break by 
   torsion  3e: to cause to move with a turning motion  3f: to form into a 
   spiral shape  3g: to cause to become deformed : WARP  3h: to make (one's 
   way) in a winding or devious manner to a destination or  objective 1: to 
   follow a winding course : SNAKE  2a: to turn or change shape under torsion  
   2b: to assume a spiral shape  2c: SQUIRM, WRITHE  of a ball  3: to rotate 
   while taking a curving path or direction  4: to turn around 
2. twist \'twis-te-\ n 1: something formed by twisting or winding : as  1a: 
   a thread, yarn, or cord formed by twisting two or more strands together  
   1b: a strong tightly twisted sewing silk  1c: a baked piece of twisted 
   dough  1d: tobacco leaves twisted into a thick roll  2: the fleshing 
   between the hind legs esp. of cattle or sheep  3a: an act of twisting : the 
   state of being twisted  3b: a dance performed with strenuous gyrations esp. 
   of the hips  3c: the spin given the ball in any of various games (as 
   baseball)  3d: a spiral turn or curve  3e1: torque or torsional stress 
   applied to a body (as a rod or shaft)  3e2: torsional strain  3e3: the 
   angle through which a thing is twisted  4a: a turning aside : DEFLECTION  
   4b: ECCENTRICITY, IDIOSYNCRASY  4c: a distortion of meaning or sense : 
   PERVERSION  5a: an unexpected turn or development  5b: DEVICE, TRICK  5c: a 
   variant approach or method : GIMMICK  slang  6: GIRL, WOMAN; esp : FLOOZY  
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