Webster's English Dictionary

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1. whet \'hwet, 'wet\ vt or whet.ted;  or whet.ting [ME whetten, fr. OE 
   hwettan; akin to OHG wezzen to whet, w]az sharp 1: to sharpen by rubbing on 
   or with something (as a stone) {~ a kn ife} 2: to make keen or more acute : 
   EXCITE, STIMULATE {~  the appetite} - whet.ter n
2. whet n dial  1a: a spell of work between two whettings of the scythe  
   1b: TIME, WHILE  2: something that sharpens or makes keen :  2a: GOAD, 
   INCITEMENT  2b: APPETIZER; also : a drink of liquor