1. while \'hwi-(*)l, 'wi-(*)l\ n [ME, fr. OE hwi-l; akin to OHG hwi-la
time, L quies res]t, quiet 1: a period of time esp. when short and marked
by the occurrence of an acti on or a condition : TIME {stay here for a ~}
2: the time and effort used (as in the performance of an action) : TRO UBLE
{worth your ~}
2. while cj 1a: during the time that {take a nap ~ I'm out} 1b: as long as
{~ there's life there's hope} 2a: at the same time that on the contrary
{easy for an expert, ~ i t is dangerous for a novice} : WHEREAS 2b: in
spite of the fact that : ALTHOUGH {~ respected, he is not liked} 3: at the
same time that in a similar manner {~ the book will be w elcomed by
scholars, it will make an immediate appeal to the general reader -Brit. Bk.
3. while pp archaic : UNTIL
4. while vt : to cause to pass esp. without boredom or in a pleasant manner
- usu. used with away {~ away the time}e or leisure time without being
bored. WHILE or WILE (with away) implies filling time with something
pleasant or amusing but not useful; BEGUILE has less suggestion of wasting
time; FLEET implies causing time to pass quickly or imperceptibly SYN syn
WHILE, WILE, BEGUILE, FLEET mean to pass idl