Webster's English Dictionary

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1. spell \'spel\ n [ME, talk, tale, fr. OE; akin to OHG spel talk, tale, Gk 
   apeile-] boast 1a: a spoken word or form of words believed to have magic 
   power : INCA NTATION 1b: a state of enchantment  2: a strong compelling 
   influence or attraction 
2. spell vt : to put under a spell : BEWITCH 
3. spell \'speld, 'spelt\ vb or spelled;  or spell.ing [ME spellen, fr. OF 
   espeller, of Gmc origin; akin to OE spell] talk 1: to read slowly and with 
   difficulty  2a: to find out by study : DISCOVER  2b: COMPREHEND, UNDERSTAND 
    3a: to name the letters of in order; also : to write or print the  letters 
   of in order 3b: to make up (a word) : FORM  4: MEAN, SIGNIFY  : to form 
   words with letters 
4. spell \'speld\ vb or spelled;  or spell.ing [ME spelen, fr. OE spelian; 
   akin to OE spala substitute] 1: to take the place of for a time : RELIEVE  
   2: to allow an interval of rest to : REST  1: to work in turns  2: to rest 
   from work or activity for a time 
5. spell n archaic  1a: a shift of workers  1b: one's turn at work  2a: a 
   period spent in a job or occupation  chiefly Austral  2b: a period of rest 
   from work, activity, or use  3a: an indeterminate period of time  3b: a 
   stretch of a specified type of weather  4: a time colored by some state of 
   body or mind : FIT