Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wilt \w*lt, (')wilt\  archaic pres 2d sing of WILL 
2. wilt \'wilt\ vb [alter. of earlier welk, fr. ME welken, prob. fr. MD; 
   akin to OHG (Xerwelke-n to wilt 1: to lose freshness and become flaccid (as 
   a plant on a dry day) : D ROOP 2: to grow weak or faint : LANGUISH  : to 
   cause to wilt 
3. wilt \'wilt\ n 1: an act or instance of wilting : the state of being 
   wilted  2a: a disorder (as a fungus) of plants marked by loss of turgidity 
   in soft  tissues with subsequent drooping and often shriveling 2b: a 
   destructive virus disease of various caterpillars marked by visceral  
   liquefaction and shriveling of the body