Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. approve               
ac.cred.it \*-'kred-t\ \*-.kred-*-'ta--sh*n\ vt [F accre`diter, fr. ad- + 
   cre`dit credit] 1: to put (as by common consent) into a reputable category  
   2: to give official authorization to or approval of :  2a: to provide with 
   credentials; esp : to send (an envoy) with let ters of authorization 2b: to 
   vouch for as in conformity with a standard  2c: to recognize (an 
   educational institution) as maintaining standards tha t qualify the 
   graduates for admission to higher or more specialized institutions or for 
   professional practice 3: CREDIT  - ac.cred.i.ta.tion n