Webster's English Dictionary

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1. send \'send\ \'sent\ vb or sent;  or sent or send.ing [ME senden, fr. OE 
   sendan; akin to OHG sendan to send, OE ]sith road, journey, OIr se-t 1: to 
   cause to go : as  1a: to propel or throw in a particular direction  1b: 
   DELIVER {sent a blow to his chin}  1c: DRIVE {sent the ball between the 
   goalposts}  2: to cause to happen {whatever fate may ~}  3: to dispatch by 
   a means of communication  4a: to direct, order, or request to go  4b: to 
   permit or enable to attend a term or session  4c: to direct by advice or 
   reference  4d: to cause or order to depart : DISMISS  5a: to force to go : 
   DRIVE  5b: to cause to assume a specified state {sent him mad}  6: to cause 
   to issue : as  6a: to pour out : DISCHARGE {clouds ~ing forth rain)> 6b: 
   UTTER {~ forth a cry}  6c: EMIT {sent out waves of perfume}  7: to cause to 
   be carried to a destination; esp : to consign to de ath or a place of 
   punishment 8: to convey or cause to be conveyed or transmitted by an agent  
   9: to strike or thrust so as to impel violently {sent him sprawlin g} 1: to 
   dispatch someone to convey a message or do an errand {~ out  for coffee} 2: 
   SCEND  3: TRANSMIT  : to request by message to come : SUMMON  : to send off 
   roughly or in disgrace : DISMISS  - send.er n
2. send n 1: the lift of a wave  2: an impetus or accelerating impulse