Webster's English Dictionary

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qual.i.fy \'kwa:l-*-.fi-\ vb [MF qualifier, fr. ML qualificare, fr. L 
   qualis] 1a: to reduce from a general to a particular or restricted form : 
   MOD IFY 1b: to make less harsh or strict : MODERATE  1c: to alter the 
   strength or flavor of  1d: to limit or modify the meaning of (as a noun)  
   2: to characterize by naming an attribute : DESCRIBE  3a: to fit by 
   training, skill, or ability for a special purpose  3b1: to declare 
   competent or adequate : CERTIFY  3b2: to invest with legal capacity : 
   LICENSE  1: to be fit (as for an office)  2: to obtain legal or competent 
   power or capacity  3a: to exhibit a required degree of ability in a 
   preliminary contest  3b: to fire a score that makes one eligible for the 
   award of a marksmanshi p badge