Webster's English Dictionary

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ap.prove \*-'pru:v\ \-'pru:-vin-le-\ vb [ME approven, fr. OF aprover, fr. L 
   approbare, fr. ad-]+ probare to prove - more at PROVE obs  1: PROVE, ATTEST 
    2: to have or express a favorable opinion of  3a: to accept as 
   satisfactory  3b: to give formal or official sanction to : RATIFY  : to 
   take a favorable view TIFY mean to have or express a favorable opinion of. 
   APPROVE often implies no more than this but may suggest esteem or 
   admiration; ENDORSE adds to APPROVE the implication of backing as by an 
   explicit statement; SANCTION implies both approval and authorization; 
   ACCREDIT and CERTIFY usu. imply official endorsement attesting to 
   conformity to set standards - ap.prov.ing.ly av SYN syn APPROVE, ENDORSE,