Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. adherence             
ad.he.sion \-'he--zh*n\ \-'he-zh-n*l, -he--zh*n-*l\ n [F or L; F adhe`sion, 
   fr. L adhaesion-, adhaesio, fr. adh]aesus, pp. of adhaere-re 1: steady or 
   firm attachment : ADHERENCE  2: the action or state of adhering; specif : a 
   union of bodily part s by growth 3: tissues abnormally united by fibrous 
   tissue resulting from an inflammato ry process 4: agreement to join  5: the 
   molecular attraction exerted between the surfaces of bodies in conta ct - 
   ad.he.sion.al aj