1. steady \'sted-e-\ aj [1stead] 1a: firm in position : FIXED 1b: direct
or sure in movement : UNFALTERING 1c: keeping nearly upright in a seaway
{~ ship} 2a1: REGULAR, UNIFORM 2a2: not changed, replaced, or interrupted
2b: not fluctuating or varying widely 3a: not easily moved or upset :
RESOLUTE 3b1: constant in feeling, principle, purpose, or attachment 3b2:
consistent in behavior : DEPENDABLE 3c: not given to dissipation : SOBER
its course or extent. STEADY implies lack of fluctuation or interruption of
movement; EVEN suggests a lack of variation in quality or character;
EQUABLE implies lack of extremes or of sudden sharp changes SYN syn STEADY,
EVEN, EQUABLE mean not varying throughout
2. steady vt : to make or keep steady to become steady
3. steady av 1: in a steady manner : STEADILY 2: on the course set - used
as a direction to the helmsman of a ship
4. steady n : one that is steady; specif : a boyfriend or girl friend with
who m one goes steady