Webster's English Dictionary

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at.trac.tion \*-'trak-sh*n\ n 1: the act, process, or power of attracting; 
   specif : personal char m 2: an attractive quality, object, or feature  3: a 
   force acting mutually between particles of matter, tending to draw the m 
   together, and resisting their separationip existing between things or 
   persons that are naturally or involuntarily drawn together. ATTRACTION 
   implies the possession by one thing of a quality that pulls another to it; 
   AFFINITY implies a susceptibility or predisposition on the part of the 
   thing or person that is drawn; SYMPATHY implies a reciprocal or natural 
   relation between two things that are both susceptible to the same 
   influences SYN syn ATTRACTION, AFFINITY, SYMPATHY mean the relationsh