Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. support               
1. ad.vo.cate \'ad-v-k*t, -.ka-t\ n [ME advocat, fr. MF, fr. L advocatus, 
   fr. pp. of advocare to]summon, fr. ad- + vocare to call - more at VOICE 1: 
   one that pleads the cause of another; specif : one that pleads t he cause 
   of another before a tribunal of judicial court : COUNSELOR 2: one that 
   defends or maintains a cause or proposal 
2. ad.vo.cate \-.ka-t\ \.ad-v*-'ka--sh*n\ \'ad-v*-.ka-t-*r\ vt : to plead 
   in favor of  - ad.vo.ca.tion n