Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tar.get \'ta:r-g*t\ n [ME, fr. MF targette, dim. of targe light shield 
   of Gmc origin; aki]n to ON targa shield 1: a small round shield : BUCKLER  
   2a: a mark to shoot at  2b: a target marked by shots fired at it  2c: 
   something fired at  3a: an object of ridicule or criticism  3b: something 
   to be affected by an action or development  3c: a goal to be achieved  4a: 
   a railroad day signal that is attached to a switch stand and indicates  
   whether the switch is open or closed 4b: a sliding sight on a surveyor's 
   leveling rod  5a: the metallic surface usu. of platinum or tungsten upon 
   which the stream  of cathode rays within an X-ray tube is focused and from 
   which the X rays are emitted 5b: a body or surface bombarded with nuclear 
   particles or electrons; spe cif : the fluorescent material on which the 
   desired visual effects in electronic devices (as in radar and television) 
   are produced
2. target vt : to make a target of; esp : to set as a goal