Webster's English Dictionary

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in.tend \in-'tend\ vb [ME entenden, intenden, fr. MF entendre to purpose, 
   fr. L ]intendere to stretch out, to purpose, fr. in- + tendere to stretch - 
   more at THIN 1a: : (Me entenden to understand, fr. Of entendre, fr. Ll i 
   ntendere, fr. L, to purpose, have in mind) : archaic : CONSTRUE, INTERPRET 
   1b1: SIGNIFY, MEAN  1b2: to refer to  2a: to have in mind as a purpose or 
   goal : PLAN  2b: to design for a specified use or future  archaic  3: to 
   proceed on (a course)  4: to direct the mind on  1: to have an aim or end 
   in mind  archaic  2: to set out : START  - in.tend.er n