Webster's English Dictionary

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1. an.ti.sep.tic \.ant-*-'sep-tik\ \-ti-k(*-)le-\ aj [anti- + Gk se-ptikos 
   putrefying, septic] 1a: opposing sepsis, putrefaction, or decay; esp : 
   preventing or a rresting the growth of microorganisms (as on living tissue) 
   1b: acting or protecting like an antiseptic  2: relating to or 
   characterized by the use of antiseptics  3a: scrupulously clean : ASEPTIC  
   3b: extremely neat or ordered; esp : neat to the point of being ba re or 
   uninteresting 3c: free from what is held to be contaminating  3d: 
   IMPERSONAL, DETACHED; esp : coldly impersonal  - an.ti.sep.ti.cal.ly av
2. antiseptic n : a substance that checks the growth or action of 
   microorganisms esp. in o r on living tissue; also : GERMICIDE