Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. absorb                
1. as.sim.i.late \*-'sim-*-.la-t\ \-la-t-*r\ vb [ML assimilatus, pp. of 
   assimilare, fr. L assimulare to make]similar, fr. ad- + simulare to make 
   similar, simulate 1a: to take in and appropriate as nourishment : absorb 
   into the system  1b: to take into the mind and thoroughly comprehend  2a: 
   to make similar  2b: to alter by assimilation  2c: to absorb into the 
   cultural tradition of a population or group  3: COMPARE, LIKEN  : to become 
   assimilated  - as.sim.i.la.tor n
2. as.sim.i.late \-l*t, -.la-t\ n : something that is assimilated