Webster's English Dictionary

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1. com.pare \k*m-'pa(*)r, -'pe(*)r\ vb [ME comparen, fr. MF comparer, fr. L 
   comparare to couple, com]pare, fr. compar like, fr. com- + par equal 1: to 
   represent as similar : LIKEN  2: to examine the character or qualities of 
   esp. to discover resemblances  or differences 3: to inflect or modify (an 
   adjective or adverb) according to the degrees  of comparison 1: to bear 
   being compared  2: to make comparisons  3: to be equal or alike e in order 
   to show differences and likenesses. COMPARE implies an aim of showing 
   relative values or excellences by bringing out characteristic qualitites 
   whether similar or divergent; CONTRAST implies an emphasis on differences; 
   COLLATE implies minute and critical inspection in order to note points of 
   agreement or divergence SYN syn COMPARE, CONTRAST, COLLATE mean to set side 
   by sid 
2. compare n : COMPARISON {beauty beyond ~}