Webster's English Dictionary

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1. clock \'kla:k\ n [ME clok, fr. MD clocke bell, clock, fr. ONF or ML; ONF 
   cloque often attrib X bell, fr. ML clocca, of Celt origin; akin to MIr 
   clocc bell 1: a device other than a watch for indicating or measuring time 
   commonly by  means of hands moving on a dial 2: a registering device with a 
   dial and indicator attached to a mechanism t o measure or gauge its 
   functioning or to record its output; specif : SPEEDOMETER 3: TIME CLOCK 
2. clock vt 1: to time with a stopwatch or by an electric timing device  2: 
   to register on a mechanical recording device  - clock.er n
3. clock n [prob. fr. clock (bell); fr. its original bell-like shape] : an 
   ornamental figure on the ankle or side of a stocking or sock