Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. infer                 
1. judge \'j*j\ vb [ME juggen, fr. OF jugier, fr. L judicare, fr. 
   judic-,]judex judge, fr. jus right, law + dicere to decide, say - more at 
   JUST, DICTION 1: to form an authoritative opinion about  2: to sit in 
   judgment on : TRY  3: to determine or pronounce after inquiry and 
   deliberation  4: GOVERN, RULE - used of a Hebrew tribal leader  5: to form 
   an estimate of  6: THINK  1: to form an opinion  2: to decide as a judge  - 
   judg.er n
2. judge n [ME juge, fr. MF, fr. L judex] : one who judges : as  : a public 
   official authorized to decide questions brought before a court  often cap  
   : a tribal hero exercising authority over the Hebrews after the death of  
   Joshua : one appointed to decide in a contest or competition : UMPIRE  : 
   one who gives an authoritative opinion  : CRITIC