Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. shop                  
1. store \'sto-(*)r, 'sto.(*)r\ vt [ME storen, fr. OF estorer to construct, 
   restore, store, fr. L i]nstaurare to renew, restore, fr. in- + -staurare 
   (akin to Gk stauros stake) - more at STEER 1: FURNISH, SUPPLY; esp : to 
   stock against a future ti me {~ a ship with provisions} 2: to lay away : 
   ACCUMULATE {~ vegetables for winter use> 3: to leave or deposit in a place 
   (as a warehouse) for preservation or dis posal 4: to provide storage room 
   for : HOLD 
2. store n 1a: something that is stored or kept for future use  pl  1b: 
   articles (as of food) accumulated for some specific object and drawn up on 
   as needed : STOCK, SUPPLIES 1c: something that is accumulated : a source 
   from which things may be dra wn as needed : a reserve fund 2: STORAGE  3: 
   something that is highly valued or greatly relied upon : TREASUREM {set 
   great ~ by tradition} 4: a large quantity, supply, or number : ABUNDANCE  
   5: STOREHOUSE, WAREHOUSE  6: a business establishment where usu. 
   diversified goods are kept for retai l sale {grocery ~} {furniture ~} : in 
   a state of accumulation : in readiness for use  - in store 
3. store aj or stores 1: of, relating to, kept in, or used for a store {~ 
   barge}  2: purchased from a store as opposed to natural or homemade : 
   MANUFAC TURED, READY-MADE {~ clothes} {~ bread} {~ teeth}