Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bon.net \'ba:n-*t\ n [ME bonet, fr. MF, fr. ML abonnis] chiefly Scot  
   1a1: a man's or boy's cap  1a2: a brimless Scotch cap of seamless woolen 
   fabric  1b: a woman's cloth or straw hat tied under the chin  2a: an 
   additional piece of canvas laced to the foot of a jib or foresail  Brit  
   2b: an automobile hood  2c: a cover for an open fireplace or a cowl or hood 
   to increase the draft o f a chimney 2d: a metal covering for valve 
   chambers, hydrants, or ventilators 
2. bonnet vt : to provide with or dress in a bonnet