Webster's English Dictionary

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1. met.al \'met-*l\ \'met-*l-.wa(*)r\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L metallum mine, 
   metal, fr. Gk metallon] often attrib  1: any of various opaque, fusible, 
   ductile, and typically lustrous substanc es; esp : one that is a chemical 
   element as distinguished from an alloy 2a: METTLE  2b: the material or 
   substance out of which a person or thing is made  3: glass in its molten 
   state  4: printing type metal  4b: set type matter  - met.al.ware n
2. metal vt or met.aled or met.alled;  or met.al.ling;  or met.al.ling : to 
   cover or furnish with metal