Webster's English Dictionary

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1. scotch \'ska:ch\ vt [ME scocchen to gash] 1: to injure so as to make 
   temporarily harmless  2a: to stamp out : CRUSH  2b: to end decisively by 
   demonstrating the falsity of 
2. scotch n : a slight cut : SCORE 
3. scotch n [origin unknown] : a chock to prevent rolling or slipping 
4. scotch vt 1: to block with a chock to prevent rolling or slipping  2: 
   HINDER, THWART 1. Scotch \'ska:ch\ aj [contr. of Scottish] 1: of, relating 
   to, or characteristic of Scotland, the Scotch, or Scots  2: FRUGAL 
2. Scotch n 1: SCOTS  pl in constr  2: the people of Scotland 
3. Scotch tm : - used for any of numerous adhesive tapes that can be made 
   to adhere  under slight pressure without heating or moistening