Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. measure               
1. bush.el \'bu.sh-*l\ \-*-lij\ n [ME busshel, fr. OF boissel, fr. 
   (assumed) OF boisse one sixt]h of a bushel, of Celt origin; akin to MIr 
   boss palm of the hand 1: any of various units of dry capacity  2: a 
   container holding a bushel  3: a large quantity : LOTS  - bush.el.age n
2. bushel \-(*-)lin\ \-*l-m*n\ vb or bush.eled;  or bush.el.ing [prob. fr. 
   G bosseln to do poor work, to patch; akin to OE be-atan)X to beat : REPAIR, 
   RENOVATE  - bush.el.man n