Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. measure                2. metric system         
ca.pac.i.ty \k*-'pas-*t-e-, -'pas-te-\ n [ME capacite, fr. MF capacite`, 
   fr. L capacitat-, capacit]as, fr. capac-, capax 1a: the ability to hold, 
   receive, store, or accommodate  1b: a measure of content : ability to 
   contain : volume  1c: maximum production or output  1d: capacitance : the 
   quantity of electricity that a battery can deliver  under specified 
   conditions 2: legal qualification, competency, power, or fitness  3a: 
   ability caliber  3b: power to grasp and analyze ideas and cope with 
   problems  3c: potentiality  4: a position or character assigned or assumed