Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. mend                  
1. patch \'pach\ n [ME pacche] 1: a piece of material used to mend or cover 
   a hole or a weak spot  2: a tiny piece of black silk or court plaster worn 
   on the face or neck esp . by women to hide a blemish or to heighten beauty 
   3a: a piece of adhesive plaster or other cover applied to a wound  3b: a 
   shield worn over an injured eye  4a: a small piece : SCRAP  4b: a small 
   area distinct from that about it {cabbage ~}  5: a piece of cloth sewed on 
   a garment as an ornament or insignia; espX : SHOULDER PATCH
2. patch vt 1: to mend, cover, or fill up a hole or weak spot in  2: to 
   provide with a patch  3a: to make of patches or fragments  3b: to mend or 
   put together esp. in hasty or shabby fashion - usu. used  with up
3. patch n [perh. by folk etymology fr. It dial. caccio] : FOOL, DOLT