Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cab.bage \'kab-ij\ n [ME caboche, fr. ONF, head] often attrib  1: a 
   leafy garden plant (Brassica oleracea capitata) of European orig in having 
   a short stem and a dense globular head of usu. green leaves that is used as 
   a vegetable 2: a terminal bud of a palm tree that resembles a head of 
   cabbage and is ea ten as a vegetable slang  3: paper money or bank notes 
2. cabbage n [perh. by folk etymology fr. MF cabas cheating, theft] Brit  : 
   pieces of cloth left in cutting out garments and traditionally said to b e 
   kept by tailors as perquisites
3. cabbage vb : to take surreptitiously : STEAL, FILCH