1. gar.den \'ga:rd-*n\ n [ME gardin, fr. ONF, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG
gart enclosure -]more at YARD 1a: a plot of ground where herbs, fruits,
flowers, or vegetables are cultiv ated 1b: a rich well-cultivated region
2a: a public recreation area or park {a botanical~} 2b: an open-air eating
or drinking place
2. garden \'ga:rd-nin, -*n-in\ \'ga:rd-n*r, -*n-*r\ vb or : to
lay out or work in a garden 1: to make into a garden 2: to ornament with
gardens - n
3. garden aj 1: of, relating to, or frequenting a garden 2a: of a kind
grown in the open as distinguished from one more delicate (~ plant} 2b: