Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. rude                  
1. green \'gre-n\ aj [ME grene, fr. OE gre-ne; akin to OE gro-wan to grow] 
   1: of the color green  2a: covered by green growth or foliage  2b: 
   pleasantly alluring  of a season  2c: TEMPERATE  2d: consisting of green 
   plants or green vegetables  3: YOUTHFUL, VIGOROUS  4: not ripened or 
   matured : IMMATURE {~ apples tender ~  grasses} 5: FRESH, NEW  6: marked by 
   a sickly appearance {~ with envy}  7a: not fully processed or treated : as  
   7a1: not aged {~ liquor}  7a2: not dressed or tanned {~ hides}  7a3: 
   freshly sawed : UNSEASONED  7b: not in condition for a particular use  of a 
   female fish  7c1: not ready to spawn  7c2: not quite ready to shed {~ crab} 
    8a: lacking training, knowledge, or experience  8b: GULLIBLE, NAI E  8c: 
   not fully qualified for or experienced in a particular function {@ horse} - 
   green.ly av
2. green vi : to become green 
3. green \'gre--ne-\ n 1: a color whose hue is somewhat less yellow than 
   that of growing fresh gra ss or of the emerald or is that of the part of 
   the spectrum lying between blue and yellow 2: something of a green color  
   3: green vegetation : as  pl  3a: leafy parts of plants for use as 
   decoration  3b: pl  3b1: leafy herbs (as spinach, dandelions, Swiss chard) 
   that are boiled or s teamed as a vegetable : POTHERB 3b2: GREEN VEGETABLE  
   4: a grassy plain or plot; specif : PUTTING GREEN  - greeny aj