Webster's English Dictionary

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1. calf \'kaf, 'ka.f\ \'kavz, 'ka.vz\ n or calves also calfs [ME, fr. OE 
   cealf; akin to OHG kalb calf, ON kalfi calf of th] pl  often attrib e leg, 
   L galla gallnut 1a: the young of the domestic cow or of some closely 
   related mammals  1b: the young of various other large animals  pl calfs  2: 
   the hide of the domestic calf; esp : CALFSKIN  3: an awkward or silly boy 
   or youth  4: a small mass of ice set free from a coast glacier or from an 
   iceberg or  floe
2. calf \'kavz, 'ka.vz\ n or calves [ME, fr. ON kalfi] pl  : the fleshy 
   hinder part of the leg below the knee