1. coast \'ko-st\ \'ko-st-*l\ n [ME cost, fr. MF coste, fr. L costa rib,
side; akin to OSlav]kostibreve> bone obs 1: BORDER, FRONTIER 2: land near
the seashore : SEASHORE 3: a hill or slope suited to coasting; also : a
slide down a slope (as on a sled) - aj
2. coast vt obs 1: to move along or past the side of : SKIRT 2: to sail
along the shore of archaic 1a: to travel on land along a coast or along
or past the side of something 1b: to sail along the shore 2a: to slide,
run, or glide downhill by the force of gravity 2b: to move along without
or as if without further application of propulsi ve power (as by momentum
or gravity)