Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hin.der \'hin-d*r\ \-d(*-)rin\ \-d*r-*r\ vb or hin.der.ing [ME hindren, 
   fr. OE hindrian; akin to OE hinder behind] 1: to make slow or difficult the 
   progress of : HAMPER  2: to hold back : CHECK  : to delay, impede, or 
   prevent action sing harmful or annoying delay or interference with 
   progress; IMPEDE implies making forward progress difficult by clogging, 
   hampering, or fettering; OBSTRUCT implies interfering with something in 
   motion or in progress by the sometimes intentional placing of obstacles in 
   the way; BLOCK implies complete obstruction to passage or progress - 
   hin.der.er n SYN syn IMPEDE, OBSTRUCT, BLOCK: HINDER stresses cau 
2. hind.er \'hi-n-d*r\ aj [ME, fr. OE hinder, adv.] : situated behind or in 
   the rear : POSTERIOR