Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ice \'i-s\ n [ME is, fr. OE i-s; akin to OHG i-s ice, Av isu-] often 
   attrib icy 1a: frozen water  1b: a sheet or stretch of ice  2: a state of 
   coldness (as from formality or reserve)  3: a substance resembling ice; 
   specif : ICING  4a: a frozen dessert containing a fruit juice or other 
   flavoring; esp  : one containing no milk or cream Brit  4b: a serving of 
   ice cream  slang  5: DIAMONDS; broadly : JEWELRY  1: with every likelihood 
   of being won or accomplished  2: in reserve or safekeeping  : in a 
   situation involving great risk  - on ice 
2. ice vt 1a: to coat with or convert into ice  1b: to chill with ice  1c: 
   to supply with ice  2: to cover with or as if with icing  3: to put on ice  
   1: to become ice-cold  2a: to become covered with ice  2b: to have ice form 