Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cat.a.log or cat.a.logue \'kat-*l-.o.g, -.a:g\ n [ME cateloge, fr. MF 
   catalogue, fr. LL catalogus, fr. Gk k]atalogos, fr. katalegein to list, 
   enumerate, fr. kata- + legein to gather, speak 1: LIST, REGISTER  2a: a 
   complete enumeration of items arranged systematically with descriptiv e 
   details 2b: a pamphlet or book that contains such a list  2c: material in 
   such a list 
2. catalog or catalogue or cat.a.logu.er vt 1: to make a catalog of  2: to 
   enter in a catalog; esp : to classify (books or other librar y material) 
   descriptively - cat.a.loge.r n