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Cross references:
  1. infer                 
1. gath.er \'gath-*r, 'geth-\ \-(*-)rin\ \-*r-*r\ vb or gath.er.ing [ME 
   gaderen, fr. OE gaderian; akin to Skt gadh to hold fast -m more at GOOD 1: 
   to bring together : COLLECT  2a: PICK, HARVEST  2b: to pick up little by 
   little  2c: to gain by gradual increase {~ speed}  2d: to accumulate and 
   place in order or readiness {~ed up hi s tools} 2e: to assemble (volume 
   signatures) in sequence for binding  3: to serve as a center of attraction 
   for  4: to effect the collection of (as tax)  5a: to summon up  5b: to 
   prepare (as oneself) by mustering strength  6a: to bring together the parts 
   of  6b: to draw about or close to something {~ing his cloak abou t him} 6c: 
   to pull (fabric) along a line of stitching so as to draw into puckers  6d: 
   to haul in  7: GUESS, DEDUCE  1a: to come together in a body  1b: to 
   cluster around a focus of attraction  2a: to swell and fill with pus  2b: 
   GROW, INCREASE  most general term for bringing or coming together and lacks 
   definite connotation except when it suggests a picking or harvesting; 
   COLLECT often implies careful selection or orderly arrangement; ASSEMBLE 
   implies an ordered union or organization of persons or things and a 
   definite purpose in their coming or being brought together; CONGREGATE 
   implies a spontaneous flocking together into a crowd or huddle - gath.er.er 
2. gather n 1: something gathered; esp : a puckering in cloth made by 
   gathering  2: an act or instance of gathering