Webster's English Dictionary

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en.ter \'ent-*r\ \'ent-*-rin, 'en-trin\ \'ent-*-r*-b*l, 'en-tr*-\ vb or 
   en.ter.ing [ME entren, fr. OF entrer, fr. intrare, fr. intra withi]n; akin 
   to L inter between 1: to go or come in  2: to come into a group : JOIN  3a: 
   to make a beginning {~ed into business}  3b: to begin to consider a subject 
    4: to go upon land for the purpose of taking possession  5: to play a part 
   : be a factor {~ into a conversation}  1: to come or go into {~ a room}  2: 
   INSCRIBE, REGISTER  3: to cause to be received or admitted {~ a boy at a 
   school}  4: to put in : INSERT  5a: to make a beginning in : take up  5b: 
   to pass within the limits of (a particular period of time)  6: to become a 
   member of or an active participant in  7: to make report of (a ship or her 
   cargo) to customs authorities  8: to place in proper form before a law 
   court or upon record {~ a  writ} 9: to go into or upon and take actual 
   possession of  10: to put on record  way into something. ENTER is the most 
   general of these and may imply either going in or forcing a way in; 
   PENETRATE carries a strong implication of an impelling force or compelling 
   power that effects entrance; PIERCE adds to PENETRATE a clear implication 
   or suggestion of an entering point or wedge; PROBE implies penetration for 
   investigating or exploring something hidden from sight or knowledge - 
   en.ter.able aj SYN syn ENTER, PENETRATE, PIERCE, PROBE mean to make