Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ce.ment \si-'ment\ n [ME sement, fr. OF ciment, fr. L caementum stone 
   chips used i]n making mortar, fr. caedere to cut - more at CONCISE 1: a 
   powder of alumina, silica, lime, iron oxide and magnesia burned togeth er 
   in a kiln and finely pulverized and used as an ingredient of mortar and 
   concrete 2: a binding element or agency : as  2a: a substance to make 
   objects adhere to each other  2b: a notion or feeling serving to unite 
   firmly  3: CEMENTUM  4: the fine-grained groundmass or glass of a porphyry 
2. cement vt 1: to unite by or as if by cement  2: to overlay with concrete 
    : to become cemented  - cement.er n