Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. special               
1. con.crete \ka:n-'kre-t, 'ka:n-.\ aj [ME, fr. L concretus, fr. pp. of 
   concrescere to grow together, fr.]com- + crescere to grow 1: formed by 
   coalition of particles into one solid mass  2: naming a real thing or class 
   of things  3a: characterized by or belonging to immediate experience of 
   actual things  or events 3b: SPECIFIC, PARTICULAR  3c: REAL, TANGIBLE  4: 
   relating to or made of concrete  - con.crete.ly av
2. con.crete \'ka:n-.kre-t, ka:n-'\ n 1: a mass formed by concretion or 
   coalescence of separate particles of matt er in one body 2: a hard strong 
   building material made by mixing a cementing material and  a mineral 
   aggregate with sufficient water to cause the cement to set and bind the 
   entire mass
3. con.crete \'ka:n-.kre-t, ka:n-'\ vt 1a: to form into a solid mass : 
   SOLIDIFY  1b: COMBINE, BLEND  2: to cover with, form of, or set in concrete 
    : to become concreted